Do you have Joy in your life?

Our church has been in a series about “Joy” in our lives,  what does that mean and look like? We as humans equate Joy with happiness, if we are not happy we can’t have Joy?  That is a question that is so hard to answer unless you know where the true source of Joy comes from.

“I must find what makes me strong, whatever it takes to move me along. I walk with hope, learning how to face it; looking for ways to cope. I know I am never alone, because my Lord sits on the throne”. This is something I wrote at a time when I felt empty and afraid.

God spoke to me and said “you will face many challenges; there will be ups and there will be downs; enjoy your highs and gather strength for the lows. God already knew I would be afraid and he already knew I would be seeking Him in all of this. He was already there waiting for me wanting to fill me with His Love Grace and Mercy!

In the last six years I have found myself searching for the source and I believe all along I just had to reach for it. My true Joy comes from knowing Jesus on a personally bases. The joy He has given me has walked me through six years of 4 different bouts with cancer. I know now the “Joy of the Lord” means we are sure of our life regardless of our situation. So if I know this then why do I still find myself complaining about “LIFE”?

I find myself complaining about silly things in life, the weather, a driver on the road, the prices of everything and so many more things. I feel when I get in that pattern I suck all the JOY God has to give out of life. This was brought to my attention just this last week end by my 15 year old granddaughter. There was a small family gathering and in our conversation we all started complaining about several things, nothing of importance but it was a downer, and out of the mouths of babes comes these words, it would be much better if we could find good in something, instead of sounding like life is all bad. Not a quote but close to those words, and it got me to thinking, how can we give joy to others if we focus on the bad things. And here is what I believe; not only can we not share Joy with others, but we rob ourselves of Jesus’ awesome Joy! I have experienced the real JOY of Jesus and I pray I will be reminded even if by a 15 year old young lady. Remember always seek the good in life and dance through the storms, sing in His glory and live everyday like there may not be tomorrow.

Do you know the JOY of Jesus?